Package.json not found

  • Error Code: ZE10010
  • Location: Terminal
  • Related plugins: all

This method is implemented across all bundlers' plugins (see our supported bundlers and their relevant packages).

When we start the deployment process after your build, we first look for a package.json file in current directory (the same level) where bundler's configuration file lives based on your bundler's configuration and if not - we will find your current working directory ourselves. How we find your package.json file could be determined by two factors:

Clear cache

Data we cached on your local machine for this specific project in ~/.zephyr folder, if you have built from this directory.

Ensure you have a validpackage.json file in your project directory.

If the above method failed to locate your package.json path, we will then recursively look for a package.json file in the parent directory of the current one, and keep going one level up until we find a match.

Debugging the error

Ensure that there is one package.json file within either the directory where bundler's configuration lives, or it's parent one.

Example folder structure
