Auth error.

  • Error Code: ZE10018
  • Location: Terminal
  • Related plugins: all

This error might happen for several reasons when you are running a build. While you are running a build, we are creating a snapshot of your application, transmitting your application details to the edge and most importantly, confirm with server your identity - whether you have enabled cloud integration, or using our managed cloud.

If your local jwt token expired, or we couldn't locate your account (say you have deleted your account on your dashboard), or you don't access to an organization which manages the project you are trying to deploy to, or you they are all plausible reasons you are facing auth error.

Debugging the error

Remove local zephyr config

If the reason is local JWT token expired, you can run below commands to remove your local configuration file:

1rm -rf ~/.zephyr

Try to run a build again - the browser will prompt you to log in to assign you new JWT token and your deployment will be successful.

No account or no access

This most likely happen when you clone a repository belong to an organization (note that organizations in zephyr is linked to Github's organization) and you are not a maintainer or have access level higher than viewer in that organization.

If that's the case, fork the repository instead should fix the issue.