Could not get build id.

  • Error Code: ZE10019
  • Location: Terminal
  • Related plugins: all

This is one of the most common error during build.

Once we find your application_uid (composed by your github organization's name, project name and the name field in package.json, refer to ZE10017), we will be collecting data from your local cache, verifying your JWT token and checking your write access to the related project. If we fail to find all the necessary configuration, we won't be able to obtain appropriate build id for you to continue with the deployment.

Debugging the error

Check your write access

You current logged in account on Zephyr dashboard might not have write access to this application

You can log out either from our Chrome Extension or from dashboard and log in again with the correct account having write access.

Clear cache

Git configuration details for the project is different from previous build

One of the plausible way to debug this error is to remove your local zephyr configuration by running:

1rm -rf ~/.zephyr

And then try to run a build again.