Could not initialize Zephyr Agent.

  • Error Code: ZE10020
  • Location: Terminal
  • Related plugins: Rollup

On your build start, there are a list of actions we run through. If any of these actions failed, Zephyr agent will fail to initialize in the Rollup plugin.

1. Understanding environment
Git info, package.json's information.
2. Application configuration

Application configuration including your remote modules, build id and assets.

Debugging the error

Validpackage.json file

Package.json should be in json format, include name and version) sits in the same directory as your bundler configuration. A typical project structure Zephyr would understand would be similar to below set up, where each application has their unique name in package.json.

2  - package.json
3      name: "host-app"
4      version: "1.0.0"
5  - webpack.config.js
8  - package.json
9      name: "remote-app"
10     version: "1.0.0"
11  - webpack.config.js

Related error and potential resolution:

Ensure git configuration

Make sure you have git remote origin url, git username, email configured.

Related error and potential resolution:

Build tool configuration

Your remote modules' configuration should be in a typical format Zephyr understands. For example:

1plugins = [
2  new CopyRspackPlugin({
3    patterns: [
4      {
5        from: './src/index.html',
6        to: './index.html',
7      },
8    ],
9  }),
11  new ModuleFederationPluginV1({
12    name: 'app_04',
13    filename: 'remoteEntry.js',
14    shared: [],
15    exposes: {
16      './App': './src/main.js',
17      './loadApp': './src/loadApp.js',
18    },
19  }),

Remove your local configuration file

Remove ~/.zephyr by running below commands and login from either dashboard or sidepanel on Chrome again.

1rm -rf ~/.zephyr