Browser Extension

Zephyr Mission Control is a browser extension that you can use to streamline your development workflow, quickly access your deployed version, and publish new versions of your Zephyr Cloud powered site. In this section we will discuss how to use our Browser Extension to manage your applications and deployments.


Note: While the extension may also function on other Chromium-based browsers such as Microsoft Edge, Brave, Vivaldi, and Opera, please be aware that these are not officially supported. For best user experience, we highly recommend you to use Google Chrome. We are not responsible for any issues that may arise, and currently, we do not provide support for these platforms.

See a list of known supported browsers here.

Account management

Browser extension's logged in account is synced with Zephyr's dashboard. If you want to sign in to different accounts you can click on the top left button and select Log out, then sign in from a desired account on Zephyr dashboard.

Previewing Versions

Within our browser extension, you can preview all versions of your applications.

When you select an application under Name, you will see your latest deployed application in the browser. You can also preview previously deployed version by clicking on the dropdown menu under Version. Rollback and forward to previous/latest deployed version is currently under development.

Micro-Frontends & Remotes

In Zephyr Mission Control, you have the ability to manage your micro-frontends and their respective remote versions. Each registered remote applications are listed under Remotes. You can preview the specific versions that are currently deployed or previously deployed.

Switching Applications

On the main Application page under the Name field, you can choose under the dropdown list for a selected application - after selection the application will be displayed in your browser.

Switching Remotes

You can switch between different versions of your remotes to preview under the Version field.

Additionally, when you are previewing a host application which consumes other remotes, you can also switch the remote's version under the list of Remotes to inspect how different versions of remotes intercepts with host application.


Tags are either auto-generated by us, or set up in Zephyr's dashboard by you. When you are deploying an application through Zephyr (for the first time), We will generate a tag fits your current condition.

You can configure specific Tag rules in your application's Settings page under Tags on Zephyr dashboard by creating, or editing a tag. Tags that are attached to an application is shown under Tags field on browser extension.

Read more about Versions, Tags and Environment.

Publishing Updates

When you're ready to update the environment with new changes, you can publish updates directly from browser extension.

Locking versions

By clicking Publish updates, you will create a snapshot of the currently used environment, locking in the versions of all remotes being consumed.

Note: Feature subject to development.

Deployed Status

When an application's version is labelled Deployed on top right (usually when you click on a version), it indicates successful deployment. You can verify this directly within Zephyr Mission Control under the Application section.